
Rantings from a guy with way too much free time

Do the Numpy

2017-11-07 Programming Python

Do the Numpy Dance, Is your Chance to do the Nump!

Sir Numpy says:

The Numpy Dance is your chance to do the nump Do the Numpy Nump, come on and do the Numpty Nump Do the Numpy Nump, just watch me do the Numpty Nump Do ya know what I’m doin’, doin’ the Numpty Nump Do the Numpy Nump, do the Numpty Nump

Start at the beginning: NumPy

The first library that we will investigate is numpy. Simply put, numpy allows us to represent mathematical objects like arrays and matricies of different datatypes and performs operations on those objects thereby easing the burden of writing the tedious code within your applications to do the mundane representations and operations.

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Data Science with Python: Let there be Light

2017-11-05 Programming

Data-Science - Clueless? No prob. We got you dude.

So you’ve likely heard all the hype about “data-science” - and if you’re not among the cool kids, it might be a wee-bit overwhelming to you. Where to even start? What does it all mean? How do you even begin to understand what you need to know to begin learning more and making progress in the field.

Let’s start off with a few definitions:

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